Kim, Jordan, and I got to hang out with a fairly new church plant in Ringgold, GA last weekend.  It was my privilege to be able to speak into their church body.  We got to see a portable church of close to eight years old in action that have a real heart for unreached people.  They just committed an amazing amount of money to a new building project and I say, “Kudos to you all for your huge amount of faith.”  I want to go on record to say that we are really excited to have these folks as new friends as we seek to minister to people in the same demographic of the country.  I gotta tell you, J.C. and Eddie, two of their staff members, are get-it-done guys that see the huge big picture for what it will take to tap into a large 88% of people that attend no one’s church each Sunday.  We broke some bread and visited with some of the Elder team and they so seem to realize that it’s not about them, but about those not yet reached.  It’s exciting!  Their future is so bright!  Church at Catoosa, we so appreciate your encouragement as we launch a new church in Ringgold, and we, indeed, treasure you walking alongside of us on this uncertain journey.  You have truly “been there done that.”  Thanks for being our friends!


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