Every now and then, in life, God chooses to cross your path with someone who somehow feels like a long lost brother or sister.  This was the case in about 1978 when I was about to attend a brand new high school and had no friends, until I met Chris.

We’ve done life together, in many different arenas, for over 30 years. We’ve had pain together, joy together, shared dreams together, served in the trenches together, encouraged each other, and even fought together.

Natural affinity is what I would describe our 30-year friendship. He and I always hoped God would use us.  We had a desire to be used, even in high school, and as it goes, now in 2009, together, we have accumulated over 40 years of doing ministry.

Since 1997, Chris has been the senior pastor for The Place of Hope. What once was a small, little sleepy church has now become a spiritual utopia for many, many people that, in the past, had never found church to be useful. Church leader, sure, but more than that, Chris has a passion for the bigger picture in life, The Kingdom of God. That comes in many different varieties for him.  His love for sports and specifically, baseball, allows him to minister weekly to college and high school baseball teams.  No doubt, that love for baseball began to develop years and years ago as his brother Denny played pro baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals.

His multi-talents are numerous as few might know that he toured the country as a young man playing bass guitar for some of America’s most gifted bands.  He can play just about any instrument there is.  What a gifted leader!  He’s loved by everybody and never meets a stranger; often the life of the party!

All that to say that God has plans for you too.  Never give up but always work hard like Chris, develop and use every gift you have, follow your dream, be authentic, and live with the eternal picture in mind, tirelessly, and watch what God will do with your passion! What a story!

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