On moving to Chicago to BE a part of the new church plant…….Soul City Church….

-But I’m just following the story that God has placed in my heart to lead my family with.

-I feel like this is the community where the next stage of growth in my family’s life will happen.

I admire this in Carlos.  He has made two very huge statements above and two that my family and I have subscribed to these years.  God does something at every juncture…He never wastes anything and especially sorrows.  Very few people do this very thing, follow the leadership of God’s spirit.  The reason it looks so odd to people is, they live a life of security.  A life of security involves very, very little faith, and the sad part of this is, these same people are hopefully going to heaven, but will not ever live the “high life” in this life like Carlos and many others through the years.

What happened to doing like the Apostle Paul did, going to the next best place?  That’s exactly what he did!  No, we look at size and prestige and security and money as the factors in determining if a person is stable or not.  Jesus was a man who was homeless, and died homeless, if you know what I mean.  Here in America, churches, employers, hiring agents, etc. would look upon Jesus as crazy, unstable, and a little off.  Wonder if they would look at us that way?  They should, IF, you are living a life of obedience.

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