It plays funny games with us.  It can think right or it can think wrong.  It can have your body in a funk, or it can have your body thrilled.   So weird, huh?  I’ve concluded that we have full authority with what it gets stuck on.  In other words, it’s a mental discipline to camp out in despair, or like driving a car, you push the accelerator and move on.  It doesn’t just go away or come naturally. Everybody is different:

  1. Some are happy go-lucky kinds of people who are consistently fine with just about everyday.
  2. Others struggle with ups and downs who have to work hard at keeping the right mindset.
  3. Another group must have medical help to master the chemical makeup of their genetics.

Whatever we are, we need help from God himself.  For me, I fit the #2 description.  Kim fits the #1 description.  We all need each other to make it in this life, thus, the joy of a church where you can come like you are.  If you find yourself in a funk, get busy, get involved at church, and meet somebody else’s need.  It’s worked for me.

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