I’ve noticed over a lot of years of living that it matters who we are around, in more ways than one. God has seasons for us and as we recognize those for what they are, we embrace life in a more contented way. NOTHING is forever, therefore, there is always so much hope for what is next!
Here’s an important part of that journey: Depending on where you are on the season-journey, you cannot afford to be around certain individuals.
- If you are living in a sacrificial season, it will be hard on your mental psyche to be around a person who is in a more secure season.
- If you are in a broken season, it will be hard on your mental psyche to be around a person that has never been through much brokenness.
- If you are in a silent season, it will be hard on your mental psyche to be around a person that is hearing from God very actively.
- If you are in a very productive season, it will be hard on your mental psyche to be around a person that is going through hell.
It’s certainly beneficial to be around people that are not necessarily in your season, and you should because they can encourage you, but the challenge will be with YOU, in that if you are not careful, the very mentality that you have worked hard at adopting for your particular season, could be washed away with envy, jealousy, and depression, wishing you were somewhere else or looking upon your season as a lesser position in God’s eyes.
ALL seasons of your life are big, huge, and important in your spiritual journey! Embrace where you are, be proud for where you are (broke or rich), and realize that there is level ground for all people around the cross of Jesus Christ.
I love this insight. I haven’t given myself ‘permission’ to keep away from people in opposing seasons without much guilt and frustration that I’m not a ‘big enough’ person to be happy for them. I am easily pulled into seeing my season as a lesser position in God’s eyes when I am around those who seem to be n a mountaintop season when I’m struggling to even hear a whisper from God.