I think we’ve seen hell go by the wayside in American life and throughout the world.  Basically and unfortunately, God’s word still holds in tow this ugly place for those who have never received Jesus Christ and surrendered their lives to him.  I wish we could see more people deny hell, but we don’t.  We see the numbers rise every year for people who will go to hell after death, due to the fact that the population continues to increase and the culture continues to be bored and fed up with church, the very body who can help direct them to the safe and eternal place- the arms of Jesus Christ.

The only reason I ever got started in ministry was because of an 11th grade (1982) epiphany that I remember having, that involved one of my best friends in the world, Chris Pritchett and me, and the realness that we would be used by God in some way, the rest of our lives.  We cared about the eternal state of people (still do) and I felt and knew then that God would desire to use us both to impact and add value to lives, the rest of our life.  That has happened!  Chris has been in the ministry now for over 20 years and has been a senior pastor for 12 years of that;  I, too, have been in the ministry for over 20 years.  The journey continues……the call continues…..we’re in for strict obedience….there’s no money in this work….there’s no ease in this work…..24/7 hours in this work….there is amazing reward in this work….there is a large amount of exhiliration in this work!  We’re out there for YOU!

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