John and I have been friends since ’92………been on the preacher journey together, to a lot of places, and through a lot of terrain. Heard a message he preached recently that speaks to so many people, either now, or at one time or another in our lives.  He said he got to a place in his ministry at one time where he prayed, “God, I’m asking you to help me, want, to want, to be here.” That applies to anyone.  Whether it’s a job, a tough family situation, a challenging ministry, or just that you have other dreams and it’s hard to wait on them.  Sometimes, you just have to pause, and ask God to literally change your desires to match His.  That’s what the verse means, anyway.  The verse of scripture, “God will give you desires of your heart” doesn’t mean whatever YOU want, but when your wants match up with HIS, He will give you the desires of your heart, and sometimes He has to change our wants.

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