Jeff and I are just returning from a monthly cluster of church planters who are all associated with GHC, San Francisco, CA. What a real and authentic organization!  Planters, they are first class!  They care about you, the planter.  Here’s an idea of how they work:

1.  Monthly clusters all over the country

2.  They cover your expenses to come to California

3.  Normally, we meet in one of the NFL stadiums or MLB stadiums; we fellowship, eat, hear each others’ stories, and encourage.  Then, we all go to the game together…all, compliments of GHC.  They even provide spending money for you!

Personally, I’ve not evern been a part of an organization like this!  Not sure what others do, but I remember that Kim and I were completely and totally impressed the first day we were with them in assessment over a year ago.  THEY TRULY CARED ABOUT US!  We had a great couple days at the Oakland/Alameda Coliseum in California…..we all need each other!  Thank God for GHC!

If you are thinking about planting a church, you need to look very seriously at partnering with GHC!  JD, love you man!  You’re the best!

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