
Steve Spurrier was just quoted as saying, “Tim Tebow is the best quarterback in SEC history.” I remember when Tim rolled into town; four years ago.  It seems like yesterday.  Now, you’re talking to a family who, while living in Gainesville, rode around town with Bulldog tags on their car, had them ripped off at night by students, and whose kids had no embarrassment wearing UGA stuff to high school.  On top of that, Kim and I are UGA grads and our son is on his way this fall. We love college football. I’ve grown up around it; was a football manager for The University of Southern Mississippi and Georgia Tech. We now tailgate in Athens most weekends.  With all that said, nobody can avoid the admiration for the sportsmanship and life of Tim Tebow.  He’s a man’s quarterback!  He’s a believer’s believer!  He’s the example of values and taking a Christian stand when others go the opposite way.  He was just interviewed and proud to say that he was still a virgin.  He makes the way of Jesus the “cool” thing to do.  He laughs, smiles, and has passion, all in the name of Jesus.  Is he perfect, no, and doesn’t claim to be, but he is REAL!  We can learn something here, people!  🙂

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