It really gets comical to read twitters, blog posts, articles, and books of people who give off the scent that they have it all together, knowing down inside, they don’t.  As much as I love all of the above, very few are transparent, real, and authentic with what they say.  Not sure why this is, other than that many of us have “the disease to please.”  If we look better than we are, we at least have “success,” right?  No!  One of the things I appreciate about unchurched people, far away from God folk, is the fact that they just say it…………regardless!  Church people have learned to be politically correct even if they don’t believe what they just hedged around.  People, hear me!  This is why people don’t like our churches!  This is why they don’t come to our churches!  They have an ability to sniff out our fakery and we don’t even know it.  One thing I know for sure is that EVERYBODY has something they are dealing with, struggling with, battling with, and life is just not all perfect for them.

If all we ever do is show and tell people how great things are, then we limit our opportunities for new frontiers and promotions.  Why?  Because everybody knows that you will have SOMETHING that goes wrong at some point and they don’t want to hire you or be around you if it’s going to happen on their time.  Plus, they know that NOBODY has it that great and there is a measure of distrust that they will have in you.  So, admit it today and share your story: good, bad, and ugly.  It has far more impact than your fabrication.  There is NO greater value you can add to ANY life than to share your “stuff.”  It is an untapped influencer!!!

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