With the buildup of a great first day of the week, Sundays, Mondays can be funny…….there’s a built-in blah that somehow goes alongside the spiritual high that developed the day before.  Mondays can be that way for some reason.  All over the world on Sundays, pastors and people gear up to ask and witness God changing a life somehow, someway.  When you begin to see that bigger Kingdom picture of the fact that God is so vast that He can bless all at the same time, multiple churches, in many areas, it makes us even more excited to be a small part of ALL He is doing.  For us, yesterday was another watershed day- great music with Jason Sartain……great message on worship by one of our own pastoral team, Dr. Mark Womack, and amazingly committed volunteers working hard from 7:00 a.m loading in to loading out at 1:00 p.m. in 100 degree temperatures, right in the middle of summer.  All of those emotions combined lead to a blah/blessing Monday.  In fact, what I just described happened all over the world yesterday!  

I’m learning to squeeze the minutes out of the day and experience thankfulness for everything I have in that minute; not there yet. I would love to be able to do this with the seconds.  One day, I hope.  What about you?

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