I’ve always heard that FEAR is false evidence that appears real…..good definition for sure.  However, it doesn’t mean fear won’t jump up on you. The mind can default to fear at any moment.  Fear is never eradicated from our minds.  Again, our greatest weapon is controlling our minds, snapping out of a thought process and into another, and “thinking on these things.”  It happens to me in church planting……sometimes I really feel the confidence that God is building His church; other times this overwhelming fear overtakes me as I ponder the large percentages of new church plants that experts say do not make it, for whatever reason. I heard this week of two planters that worked hard, relocated, got ready to launch, and pulled the plug before they ever got going because they could not get anyone to come back. Somebody put it this way:  Church planting is just one of the tools God is using to add to His Kingdom.  It’s not the only tool.  So, if that tool does not work in your area, pick up another tool and never flinch, because, the dream God has for you is still the same- to add people into the Kingdom of God, using whatever tool necessary. Origin, let’s defy the odds, work hard, add value to lives, shoe up early, stay late, and pray hard, that God will choose to advance His Kingdom through the medium of Origin Church.  We’re off to a great start, nine Sundays in.  Let’s make this Sunday the best yet!

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