1. Thankfully, our team of volunteers got started early enough, unloading, that we missed the downpour.  It poured throughout the service, but stopped for us to load again.  Appreciate the nod, Lord!
  2. Had fun with a guest on stage, Alex Davis.  Alex and I dialogued his story and set up the introduction of pain and gain.  Alex is a former pro wrestler. 
  3. Great volunteer orientation at 9:15.  Several new families becoming a part….thrilling!
  4. Our setup time is diminshing each week;  it’s more like clockwork! Will get EVEN better in time.  Thanks to All the new team coming out.  We have breakfast together and lunch together.  What a great ministry!
  5. We’re loving the “feel” of Origin….”God help us stay true to who “we” are and let your preferred DNA develop in Origin.”
  6. Worship was “off the chain” Sunday!  Chris was the “real” deal.  He ministered to me.  Band was “on it.”  What about that “Doc” on percussion and bongos. Great job! It was fun to close with Elton John’s song:  “I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues.” Obviously, it has some questionable words and story regarding a relationship, but it related, exactly, to what we talked about in our message series, and the identifying of “our” pain and looking it square in the eye.  If we ever help anyone, we must color outside the lines.  
  7. As I mentioned, pouring down rain again………..do we live in Seattle?  Tired of rain!  Ready for sunshine.  
  8. We are gearing up for May 31, in the park, at 10:30.  It’s down the street from the Depot, across the street from the creek.  A good and different time.
  9. Begin to plan with us for a BIG GRAND OPENING that kicks off in August.  We’ll take our 4 months of launch experiences, re-think, add new volunteers, and crank out another round of major momentum leading into the fall.  We’ll meet every Sunday, rockin’ and rollin’ for the most exciting stretch of months in any calendar year, August to May.  Pray, serve, and give; we’ve just begun to live!
  10. Congratulations, again, to Chip and Sara Clark for being faithful to the scripture, “fruitful and multiplying.”  Yes, a new baby boy in their family this past Friday!  Congratulations!
  11. To ALL ORIGINals (that means if you have been coming to Origin Church 🙂 Call Jeff Gonzalez (423-827-5673), right now, to sign-up and be a part of our core value, SERVING OUR COMMUNITY, this Friday or Saturday, your choice, in downtown Ringgold, at the 1890’s days!  We’ll wear our Origin t-shirts and emcee, serve cokes, do crowd control, hand out balloons, and whatever the city needs us to do!  The city will have an area to feed all volunteers, their treat!  Remember, we’re HERE TO SERVE!

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