We’ve got good friends in an Atlanta suburb with a two year old new church plant.  His statement to me is that when they planted, they were the only ones using road signs to let people know they were there.  Now, 8 more churches have planted and do the same thing on the same corners of the road. You know what, he’s alright with that!  You know why?  Because he knows that we are closing more churches each year in America than we are opening….that’s why!  We should realize that every church is distinct, has it’s own personality, and it’s own “green beret” expertise.  We should rest in that, glory in that, and advance the cause together, not with feelings of jealousy or envy.  No time for that. If you fill up a neighbors church, wonderful!  If they fill up yours, wonderful!  We all end up at the same place!  Unfortunately, ego gets involved, and those things have to be checked at the door of your calling because there is no room at the table for this junk!

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