As we journey in to 3 days and counting, I notice a gentle peace in my heart.  We’ve had all the 20 months of preparation, planning, praying, visioncasting, launch-team building, and now it’s time to deliver the baby.  If it begins as HIS idea, then it launches as HIS idea, and the results are HIS.  It’s refreshing.  I remember times in ministry when what I was doing was man-made, manufactured, or made to happen.  It’s no fun, however, when you take a step back, submit to HIS initiation, you feel a sense of riding on the top of the wing…..some very interesting emotions as we launch this Sunday.  One thing is really evident here in NW Georgia/Chattanooga: The church planters in our area are fabulous guys!  What a team of kingdom builders….so refreshing…..every one of their heart’s gives off the scent of the advancement of God’s kingdom.  Every one of us will do it a little differently, but then again, shouldn’t we?  There is no DNA of a person exactly alike in this world, therefore, it takes every leader to do their part to advance God’s plan.  What a mission!  I like what we say at Growing Healthy Churches, every person is a starter on God’s team!  Just find your best place!

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