There’s not a finer creation than my wife of almost 20 years, Kim.  She’s one of a kind and a fabulous mother to our kids!  She brings a comfort and solidarity to our lives as a family that is unmistakable.  She’s solid as a rock.  She has the most beautiful smile, concern for others, and contentment in life of anyone I have ever known.  She has been a great partner on this journey of life and ministry.  Wherever God has led us, she is happy and willing to do whatever it takes.  She’s been a better asset to any church we’ve had the privelege to serve, than I have been.  She lives everywhere like she’s there forever and o.k if she’s leaving tomorrow.  She’s got it all!  I’m ‘on tell you something: She’s a good-lookin’ woman!!!  Happy birthday, today, Kim!  I won’t mention your young age, but yours is mine.  Thank you!


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