They’re an interesting phenomenon.  They will lie to you and they will accentuate you.  Either/or, can be devastating.  Don’t get me wrong, they are a good thing, if kept in check.  You’ve been around emotional, basket-case people who drove you nuts and you’ve been around solid, well-put-together folks who shed a tear, and it touched your heart.  So, those are both sides of the spectrum. However, emotions should never dictate God’s leadership for our future.  

They are not good guages.  They are one angle, but not to be counted on as the final answer.  I’ve always said that I’ve never been smart enough to know God’s will, so I ask Him, ask others, and pray.  That multitude of counselors, His touch, and outside affirmation, have led me well these years. Our family has had an amazing run!  Don’t get me wrong, life is a highway, for sure, with hills, peaks, and valleys.  We ALL go into ALL of these ALL of our lives.  I have determined that I cannot control the timing of those, the when of those, or the how long of those.  The only thing I can control is my own attitude as I go through them ALL. Hmm, think I’ll apply this to myself today, as we are only two weeks away from launching a church.

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