The Origin Church launch is now, 21 days away.  A lot of us have been praying, planning, and working for two years to see this come about!Sometimes we get the question, “How many do you expect for launch on April 5?”  You know what the answer is?  “It depends on you and me!” We believe that creating irresistible environments for children and adults is a way for people not only to come “check it out” but the key is for them to come back again and again.  Creating an infrastructure like this costs a lot of time, energy, and money!  This type of environment will allow us to be both excellent and portable.  We’ve worked hard to build the right launch team, the right volunteer team, and the right team of staff to move the ball down the field in the most effective way.  Now, we’re ready to fill the room.  And that is something only you can do!  

We should not have this attitude: “Well, let’s just wait and see how the first week goes.”  Not a good mentality.  We need to fill the room the first Sunday to give us good momentum to carry us forward.  In fact, it’d be really cool to fill the room to overflowing.  The reason is, in building a new organization, there is a need to create energy, buzz, and dialogue in the community.  It will happen because you and I make strategic and repeated invitations over the next 20 days.  

Let me borrow a plan from Rich Barrett:  “3 Cubed.”  Invited 3 people that you really care about and have invested in.  Invite them 3 times. People rarely respond to the first invitation.  Invite them today.  Again, next week, and again the next week. Finally, invite them to try it 3 times. They need to give anything of good value, a good chance.  They will need to get used to our music, our DNA, and our children’s environment’s.  See how it goes, “3 Cubed!”

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