Craig Groeschel

  • You will face multiple challenging seasons in your ministry
  • Churches tend to like to settle into what’s comfortable
  • If it was just a little tweak, you would have done that a long time ago
  • What got us to this point won’t get us to where we want to go
  • You have to think different if you have kids
  • If you are not generous, your people won’t be
  • When you model it, your people start to do it
  • Model being close friends with an alcoholic and your people will become friends with them too
  • What died 5 years ago, but you keep doing it?
  • Church Planters: You will be tempted to hire or get volunteers for where you are today and not where you want to be tomorrow
  • God often guides by what He does not provide (Peter….”silver and gold…”)
  • The difference in where you are and where God wants you to be is the pain you’ve been avoiding
  • Set up a system in your church before people “fall.”
  • You can get people to serve if:
  1. You honor them- Gifts, gift cards, banquets in their honor
  2. The ask is important- tap into their desire to be needed and known.  Ask them, “Do you want to use your gifts to make a difference?”
  3. Would you do this for 3 months and then we’ll re-look at it?
  4. Big Pushes- Do throughout the year.
  • Lead according to your values not the pressure of what others expect
  • We are asking every adult to serve every Sunday morning

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