Our calendar timelines are being drawn, the purchase of portable products begins, the team is pulling all the pieces together, and we are getting ready…………………We still need a lot, but God knows!  I heard someone say, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”   And so, we loosely hold to our plan here, and listen for His.  We’re ready for audibles, at any turn!  By the time we launch on April 5, we would have spent close to 20 months in preparation.  Amazingly, we still wonder if it’s enough, but, it’s time to launch!  There are people out there who need what we’re “giving.”  “God, give us favor and wisdom to stay focused on YOU, and not the actual launching of a church.  Thank you for the great team of volunteers that have been a part since August.  We pray you begin to let the world know what you’re doing, somehow, someway.  We’re available.”

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