We have spent two mornings already, researching and meeting with our leaders in the county about how Origin Church can best give away of ourselves and serve our city…………We have found so many possibilities such as mentoring high school students who might not have a father influence, along with other numerous possibilities such as clothing for the school clothes closets, and additional projects that are ongoing.  One of the main reasons we exist at Origin is to serve, inside the church, and outside the church with one goal: To help add value to a community making it a better place to live, be, and become.  It’s pretty dawggone rewarding, as you can well imagine.  We couldn’t be more excited to be doing what we are doing!  Lives……..in the balance!  Jesus said, “Whom shall I send?”  Our team has said, “Us, Lord.”  What about you joining us?  Are you being used in this way?

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