That’s exactly what University of Florida football coach Urban Meyer said after the BCS championship; “We may borrow a page from Oklahoma’s offense.”  That’s exactly what we do in the ministry as leaders; I’ve done it all my life!  I’m still working hard putting all the ingredients together that will result in the best formula for my particular call and giftedness. Remember, Ecclesiastes says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”  As a leader our job is to figure out God’s plan for OUR particular ministry.  You will have components from a lot of different ministries, but one YOU.  That means that we borrow a page here, borrow a page there and before you know it, we have a formula for what God has called US to do.  Be sure and not borrow the whole playbook from someone else.  You are uniquely “created in the image of God” and your personal influence is needed to affect change for a large percentage of people that no one else can influence in this world.

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