Our oldest son, Jordan, got the big and great news tonight that he was accepted into The University of Georgia for next fall!!!!  Yeah boy for Jordie!  This has been a dream of his a long time.  Kim and I dressed him up when he was a baby in UGA clothes to watch the game while we listened to Larry Munson call the game on the radio.  He’s worked hard for 12 years and is a Beta Club member, National Honor Society member, football letterman, True General Award recipient at his football banquet, and is a member of the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society.  He deserves this news! Wow!  It’s bitter-sweet to Kim and me. We hate to think about him leaving home, but God has raised him up for something great!  He’s an amazing and gifted young man.  Congratulations Jordan!  With or without this great news, YOU have made us proud!

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