• We must learn to be seed conscious, not need conscious.  Everytime God gives you the opportunity to give, He is giving you and opportunity to increase your income.  (Matt. 13:3-8)
  • You may be so far behind financially that you don’t believe it is possible to ever catch up.  But you are wrong.  (2 Cor. 9:8)  Your only hope of catching up lies in your willingness to plant your seed in the kingdom of God.
  • If you give nothing…you get nothing.  (John 12:24)
  • When what you have in your hand is not enough to meet your need, it’s your seed!  You can do three things with your seed: Eat it, feed it to your cows, or plant it.  There is no chance of increase until you plant it.  You many think you have nothing to give, but that is incorrect. (2 Cor. 9:10-11)
  • Learn to be patient-you must wait for the harvest.  (Heb. 10:36)  If you invest a thousand dollars in the kingdom of God by placing a check in the offering plate on Sunday morning, don’t look for your hundredfold return before you get to the lobby.  Impatience will kill your harvest.
  • The $64,000 question is this: Will you act on God’s Word and be given the power to get wealth, or will you continue whining in the wilderness and receive nothing?  
  • You and I did nothing to create this financial crisis and unrest; therefore, if we are following God’s economic system in His Word, we have nothing to fear.  God is on His throne and He protects His own!  (Ps. 37:23-26)

                                              -John Hagee, Financial Armageddon, 2008.

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