As we roll into a Thanksgiving holiday once again, this year is different, simply because the journey over the last 15 months has been major preparation for launching a new church. We have sooo much going on in a good way and it’s very hard to describe all of the blessings we are experiencing; I’ll try:
- Relationships in our city are unbelievable!
- New friendships on our mission field are growing everyday!
- Our meeting location is so God-ordained!
- Our staff leadership team is coming together; we may add #3 in a few weeks. All are raising their own financial support- unbelievable! God has sent them in the most unique ways! Praise is due His name!
- The majority of our launch team are new relationships in our city- this team is out of this world!
- Chattanooga-Ringgold is gearing up for the makeover of a lifetime with Volkswagen awarding them a new manufacturing plant that could bring 20,000 new jobs. God put us here for such a time as this!
- We’ve got a special surprise being mailed out for Christmas; miracle territory continues!
- As we wind down the next 6 weeks of 2008, we will be ramping up our planning calendar for early next year. It will be busy and we must see God do some extraordinary things!
- We are doing our best to just love people, listen to God’s leadership, and stay out of His way!
- We are expecting God to raise $76,000 for the equipment it will take to launch 2 amazing children’s worship environments and 1 adult worship environment!
- The authenticity and transparency part of our vision is catching on like crazy in our community!
- We need an additional building for our children’s environment- God is about to supply it, we believe!
- We have been inspired as we have visited so many different churches over the last 15 months. All are different and have their own personality.
- We still need many more monthly supporters and partners!
- We are grateful to so many of you who are already partners! Thank you!
- We’re still praying about the church planting organization we are to partner with!
- Logos and branding are complete!
- Our prospectus is almost complete.
- We are working feverishly trying to bring down the pike to finality, our Origin Playbook! It will house our systems and strategies for moving forward in 2009!
- We believe we have found some city and county partnerships that Origin Church can actively be a part of. We are thrilled!
- Our launch team is getting ready to serve our community once again at the annual Ringgold Christmas parade!
- We really believe God is up to something bigger than HUGE; we’re not sure what but we are SURE! It is going to begin right here, right now, and it will sweep this country, and our world! Why not? Why not from right here in Ringgold-Chattanooga? You gotta come be a part of this!
- We’ve got some great new church plants happening in the metro Chattanooga area! Great leaders and great Christians…can’t wait to see God move in ALL of them.
- We are thankful!
- Proud of my kids! They’re so outstanding!
- I am loving ministry!
- So humbled to have so many good friends!
- Pray for us, move here to join us, join our launch team online, pray some more, give sacrificially to help us, and tell someone about Origin!