Jerry Falwell always told his church planters to move to town and buy a cemetary plot…in other words, he believed in longevity! He practiced that and his planters practiced that. There’s something about crossing the Rubekon River and not looking back, that God blesses. Additionally, we planters will always have to fight against the natural of what everyone else has done, what everyone else is doing, and that unknown elephant in the room of how many you had on “launch day.” In fact, I don’t like the word, “launch.” I think it can be poison. Why not just “start,” or “begin,” or do “next steps?” Beginning is different for every planter and God will do His own thing, His own way, in His own time, with all of us. Just go work hard…meet people…love the community…build relationships, and then look up one day and invite all those people together for worship. You have a different personality and a different DNA than anyone else on this planet…let that translate in it’s own way into church planting and being a pastor. Nobody can do, be, or become what YOU can do, be, and become! Rest in that! There is a unique and intriguing new work for YOU, alone, to do! Wow!