•  6 out of 10 Americans believe the church is irrelevant.
  •  One out of three pastors believes the church is making a positive impact on the culture.
  •  Since the chasm between church and culture is so great, many pastors resort to “fallback methodologies:”
  1. Be Culturally Relevant– Contemporary repackaging.  Unfortunately, this often becomes relevance at the expense of substance.  Many believers no longer carry Bibles.  It’s an experience minus commitment. 
  2. Promise Heaven Now– Many say you can have health, wealth, and power if you just have enough faith.
  3. Just Preach the Word– Will not work alone;  Henry Blackaby says, “Our gospel is cancelled by the way we live.”  In other words, preaching the gospel by itself without living differently influences no one.
  4.  Stay the Course–  Many decide to stick with the same tried and true methods they’ve used for decades.  One pastor said, “If the 50’s ever come around again, my church will be ready.”  Sadly, these methodologies were originally created to work only in a certain time and context.  Many were even radical departures from the norm in their own day.  Yesterday’s freshness always fades.  We are failing to bridge the Great chasm between church and culture.
  • Jesus exhibited, through everyday humanity, his life and love to the world.  He expected the church to supernaturally attract all men to God.  Jesus imagined a connecting church- a bridge of influence.
  • The average evangelical church in North America exists for itself.

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