Over the last 10 days, five of our close friends have seen loved ones pass from this life to another……..Public thoughts, prayers, and lots of love out to The Stilwell’s in the loss of Mike’s dad, The Fossett’s in the loss of Amy’s dad, The LeGree’s in the loss of a dear family friend, The Wilson’s in the loss of Tuesday’s 30 year old brother, and The Champion’s in the loss of Jason’s 35 year old brother.
Death helps us re-focus on what’s really important. Death is a ticket somewhere; if Christ is your leader and forgiver, to His place. If Christ is not your leader and forgiver, to Mr. Red Man’s place. I love what Rob Bell says in Velvet Elvis, “Questions bring freedom; freedom that I don’t have to be God and I don’t have to pretend that I have it all figured out. I can let God be God. When everything gets answered, it’s fake. The mystery is the truth.”