We ask that you really pray for God to move and allow us an “easy yoke” this week.  Our team is very excited and the emotions in all of us are high, in many ways.  We have a number of needs as we come down this stretch.  If you are praying about or thinking about partnering with us, now is the time.  We have a lot of potential partners out there but “in waiting” for whatever reason, and we need your help, especially in this 11th hour.  So, pray and help, if you can.  You can give right here online;  just click on the bar to the right of this blog.  Thanks in advance!

*If you would like to purchase items for our kids ministry, you can do it direct right here:  http://www.target.com/lists/3TB6BRGO5TZ6Z  If you do, let us know via email and we’ll send you a mailing address.

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